Clinics We Offer

Management of Chronic Disease
This encompasses a wide range of conditions which require long term treatment and care. Our priority is to ensure this care is on-going and appropriate; to this end we shall endeavour to review patients’ medication on an annual basis. When and where appropriate we request patients to make an appointment with the health care assistant, a nurse, or a doctor - it is also important that patients read and take note of any comment we might attach to a prescription. Failure to respond to a request to contact the surgery may result in an increase in the frequency of prescriptions and the resulting prescription charge or prescription requests being refused.
To help patients manage their long-term conditions we hold specialist clinics led by specially trained nurses in association with the doctors. Patients will usually only require an annual appointment.
As a patient you will be sent a form to have a blood and urine test 2 weeks prior to attending the clinic. When you attend the clinic you will be seen by a nurse and a doctor.
Click here for more informtion about our diabetes service
Heart and Stroke
As a patient you will be sent a form to have a fasting blood test 2 weeks prior to attending the clinic. When you attend the clinic you will be seen by a nurse and or paramedic.
Patients will be asked to bring in their inhalers and to perform breathing tests. The nurse will advise on further management.
Spirometry COPD Patient Information Leaflet
Spirometry (reversible) Patient information leaflet
Patients will be asked to bring in their inhalers and to perform a peak flow test. The nurse or paramedic will provide a full assessment and advise on further management. If you would like help on how to use your inhaler, please click here to access a video produced by the Association of Respiratory Nurses.

General Nursing Care
Our nurses provide wound care, contraceptive services, minor illness, smoking cessation advice and NHS travel advice. They also perform vaccinations, ear syringing and smear tests.
Blood Pressure Checks
Are usually done by our healthcare assistant. This service is available to all patients and we recommend that you check your blood pressure at least once every five years. You are welcome to use our easy to use blood pressure machine sited in the waiting room.
Maternity Services
To register with a midwife, please visit the website of your chosen hospital and register online with their midwife services. Once registered, they will contact you directly regarding the next steps.
Cervical Screening
This service is provided by specially trained nurses.
Please follow this link to watch a short video explaining what to expect at your appointment- click here for video
Contraceptive Services
This is provided by our experienced nurses who are able to initiate and provide follow up monitoring for all methods of oral contraception. We also offer a coil and implant service via appointment.
Important Pre - Coil Fitting Information. Please read before your appointment.

Child Health
New mothers are asked to book an appointment with a GP when baby is 6 weeks old. The GP will perform a physical examination of both baby and mother and can answer any health or wellbeing concerns.
Vaccinations and Immunisations
All routine childhood immunisations are performed at the surgery by a nurse following an automatic invitation from the Local Health Authority.
Minor Surgery
This service is provided by the doctors following an initial consultation to determine the need for surgery.
The Elms supports the Herts Stop Smoking Service. Quit today and ring 0800 389 3998 or txt SMOKEFREE to 80818, alternatively for full support ring the surgery or use the online consult tool on our home page and request or make an appointment with our smoking cessation health care nurse Kerry.